Solutions For Vermonters:
My move toward the political sphere comes out of a desire to collaborate with our strong Essex House delegation and other state leaders to improve the lives in our beautiful state. As the caregiver of my elderly mother, as a mom myself, and as an educator, I face many of the same challenges and tough decisions as my fellow Vermonters. I know that we can work together to ease the burdens on Vermonters and brighten our children's future.
Protect our Environment
I will support the Clean Heat Standard, to encourage alternatives to fossil fuels.
Disadvantaged communities are most affected by environmental degradation; they should participate in decisions and receive their fair share of environmental spending.
To avoid any reliance on fossil fuels for electric generation, we need more in-state renewable generation, complementing solar power with wind, as well as increasing energy storage.
We can keep our waterways clean by working with the Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets and the Agency of Natural Resources to reward farmers who prevent runoff and are therefore good stewards of Vermont’s beautiful lakes and rivers.
Increase and Improve Housing
We can streamline permitting for residential construction to increase our housing inventory where it is most needed.
Transportation needs in both our urban and rural areas must be met in order for housing solutions to work.
Expand loans and subsidies to renovate and build, targeting lower and middle-income buyers, and especially historically underserved communities.
Safety codes must be enforced in a way that prevents evictions, to protect Vermont’s renters.
Farm workers, regardless of documentation, deserve decent housing.
Expand And Support Our Workforce
I wish to encourage young Vermonters to move into trades by expanding technical programs that provide hands-on learning opportunities and apprenticeships.
Through school loan-forgiveness for educators and health care workers, we can address shortages in our economy’s hardest-hit areas.
The minimum wage must be increased to a living wage for all workers, including tipped workers.
Educate All Students
I support our public schools and the educators that devote themselves to teaching all children.
As an educator who has worked in an elementary school, I know that there is an age-appropriate way to teach about difficult topics such as social injustice and our climate crisis. Learning to recognize a problem is the first step in solving it.
Our state's growth depends on New Vermonters, so we must adjust our funding and education models to ensure that Vermont’s historically underserved students achieve academic and social success.
I would support training teachers in scientifically supported approaches (such as UDL) to adapt learning environments and thus engage all types of students, regardless of physical and cognitive abilities.
Destigmatize Recovery
Fentanyl is killing more young Americans than any other cause of death, and we must rise to this unprecedented challenge through medical, social, and legal means.
Vermont needs more medically-assisted treatment options, readily available fentanyl testing strips, as well as education on overdose reversal and free naloxone.
Let us empower those in recovery, current users, and caregivers or family members to lead the change.
We will save lives by decriminalizing the possession of personal-use amounts of drugs and destigmatizing addiction.